Robertson confident of good deal for Kiwi exporters

Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson is confident that New Zealand can get a good deal for exporters from EU trade talks.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is on her way to Europe to try to get a free trade agreement across the line.

The bottlenecks are greater access to the European market for our dairy, lamb and beef producers.

Robertson told RNZs morning report program today it was a complex transaction but good progress was made.

He said it was very helpful that the Prime Minister was in Europe to talk to other countries’ leaders and work through issues.

“We are very optimistic that there will be a good outcome for New Zealand.”

Robertson said although meat and dairy are important, there were other products such as wine and fruit.

“We have to make sure we get an agreement that gives New Zealand the best possible outcome.

“These are agreements that are done in a context. We have had the UK agreement, others are negotiating with the EU at the same time. So, we are committed to it, we are at the table, but we are going to get a good deal for New -Sealand get.

“I am confident that New Zealand exporters will benefit significantly from the agreement we are working on. I am confident that it will be a good deal.”

He could not say when the deal would be finalized and across the line.

While Ardern is in Europe, she will also attend a NATO leaders’ summit – the first New Zealand leader to do so.

Robertson said New Zealand and some other countries had been invited to the NATO summit because of their support for Ukraine.

“This is an opportunity for the prime minister to meet with those leaders and discuss overall security arrangements.

“But for New Zealand, our driving force is our independent foreign policy. We trade with all countries around the world, we do so on the basis of our values ​​and those values ​​will be the values ​​that the Prime Minister will articulate at the meeting, I is sure. “

In the United States, millions of women have lost the constitutional right to abortion after the 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision protecting the right to an abortion was overturned.

Ardern called the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overthrow Roe v Wade “incredibly disturbing.”

Robertson said Labor changed the law while he was in government.

As for the opposition, he said: “I’m not sure what the National Party’s position is, although I’m pretty confident I know what Christopher Luxon’s is and that’s the one he originally said, he opposes abortion, he sees it as similar to murder, and I think New Zealanders will judge him whether he is up front with them or not. “

Luxon, which describes itself as “pro-life”, said yesterday that abortion laws in Aotearoa will not be changed under a future national government.