A ROMANTIC teenager wanted to have her boyfriend’s zodiac sign tattooed on her ankle while on a girl’s holiday – but chose the wrong one.
Millie Blake (19) wanted a meaningful design and therefore chose Libra for her mother, Taurus for her father and Pisces for old Reece Smith (20).


But when she came home from Bulgaria, Reece pointed out that the image was not of his zodiac sign, but rather of Ram.
Security officer Millie, from Bradford, said: “He laughed and was like, ‘I can not believe you actually did this.’
“I was like ‘oh, sh **’. I have no idea how I got it wrong in the end. “
She admitted she may have accidentally clicked on the wrong Google image when she showed the tattoo artist.

“So I have someone else’s zodiac sign on me.
“It’s funny now. When I tell people they just laugh.
“I told my parents and they laughed.”