Russia stands on the brink of peace talks as ‘deep-frozen’ war prospects loom | World | News

Russia has been waging a brutal war against Ukraine since February 24, refusing to bow to international pressure despite most of the Western world offering military and financial aid to Kiev. Retired General Lord Dannatt suggested that the Russian campaign in the Donbass could be the end of the active effort to advance, with Moscow likely to agree to peace talks if the war develops into a “deep freeze”. The former head of the British army suggested that Russian troops would then be “exhausted” and that this could also play into Ukraine’s hands and help ensure a ceasefire.

Lord Dannatt told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday: “We’re going to see that slow grind continue.

“They have almost conquered Luhansk province, and then they will turn their eyes to try to gain control of Donetsk.

“I think, probably, what we’ve seen over the last few weeks shows over the next few weeks and days, they’ll achieve it.

“At that stage I believe the Russians will be exhausted.”

He continued: “They will not have won the war, but they will have achieved what they wanted by getting those two Donbass provinces.

“Ukrainians will also be exhausted, so the Russians will not win, the Ukrainians will not lose.

“At that point, I think the war will effectively go into the freezer and that is when meaningful negotiations will have to start.”