Samsung SDI produces 4640 and 4660 battery cells

Samsung SDI produces 4640 and 4660 battery cells

Tesla introduced the 4680 battery cell to the world. With a diameter of 46 mm and a length of 80 mm, Neplus Ultra Number of Batteries — Optimal size to get the most benefit from EV battery packs. But Samsung SDI has other ideas. We’re working on Tesla’s 4680 battery cell, the biggest game in town, but we’re also trying out a short version of the “fat cells” we’d like to offer to other manufacturers such as Volvo, BMW and Stellantis.

According to Korean news sources Electricity, Manufacturers can stack two levels of 4640 cells to create a dual level battery pack. Its placement is somewhat heavier and can be costly than a single layer of 4680 cells, but it may offer benefits such as better control of the battery cell temperature in the battery pack. With the 4660 cell, manufacturers can lower the floor height of the finished vehicle somewhat.

They are interesting ideas, electric As pointed out, the main reason for these short cells is better control of production quality. The longer the cell, the more difficult it is to accurately align all internal components (cathode, anode, separator foil). In addition, the protruding tabs of the cylindrical cell need to be folded and require special manufacturing equipment.

The extra length can also make it difficult to properly inject the electrolyte between these components. A long battery means that electrolyte can leak during injection. That is, the area between the can and the cap needs to be cleaned. Samsung SDI plans to use etching laser technology for that purpose.

May, Bloomberg BMW reported that it is considering switching to a new electric vehicle model round cell instead of the prism cell currently in use. Round cells are manufactured by existing BMW suppliers and Samsung SDI is known as one of those suppliers. BMW’s new round cell is said to exceed the energy density of Tesla’s cell “at least by two orders of magnitude”. electric Report. At this time, there is no official statement that manufacturers are interested in using short cells with a diameter of 46 mm.


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