builders have installed the largest number of small-scale panel installations in seven years as homeowners seek to isolate themselves from the skyrocketing price of gas and electricity. With household energy bills set to hit £3,000 this winter, experts think demand for solar is driven by families trying to save money.
The number of panels on residential roofs has more than doubled in the first five months of 2022 compared to 2021.
Installing panels on a typical three bedroom house will cost around £5,000 upfront.
However, according to advice website The Eco Experts, the owner will save an estimated £534 a year by reducing reliance on the grid.
According to the standards organization MCS, 1.1 million British homeowners have installed solar panels.
They are on track to save £590 million in 2022 alone.
Solar energy has become popular after the Russian invasion of Ukraine strained energy supplies around the world, causing huge gas and electricity bills.
Josh Jackman of The Eco Experts said the energy crisis was the main motivation.
He said: “A major factor driving people to solar panels is the rapidly growing energy crisis.
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MCS, an accredited body supported by the government, can track most installations.
In May, the number reached 10,869 – the highest since 2015.
About 4 percent of UK households, about 1.2 million, have installed panels since 2008.
According to The Eco Experts, solar panels can cut most homes’ electricity bills by 50 percent.
For a typical three-bedroom home, this means £422 a year saved, while £122 is earned by selling excess power to the national grid.
Therefore, solar panels tend to pay for themselves after 10 years and over their 25 year lifespan they can yield a profit of £8,000.
Ian Rippin, chief executive of MCS, said demand for solar panels was driven by rising electricity prices.
He added: “Solar energy has never been brighter.”