Solar Umbrella Recall Shows the Importance of Battery Care

Solar Umbrella Recall Shows the Importance of Battery Care

Nowadays, companies seem to put solar panels and batteries everywhere. If you don’t need to do electrical wiring, installing a security camera is much easier and cheaper. So you can keep your camera up all night with a small solar panel and a small battery pack. You can also get a light in such a small garden. But what I didn’t think I’d ever seen was a solar-powered umbrella.

And that’s the subject of a recall recently announced by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. “Consumers should immediately stop using the umbrella, remove the solar panel pack containing the lithium-ion battery from the top of the umbrella, store the pack away from the sun and away from combustibles, and do not charge the pack with an AC adapter. .. “said the agency. “Consumers can return their umbrellas and solar packs to Costco warehouses nationwide for a full refund. Consumers who cannot return their products to Costco can contact the company to find out how to get a refund. With Sun Villa Costco has contacted all known buyers. “

Is WTF a solar-powered umbrella?

This story of solar umbrellas and packs was very confusing at first. Would Canadians play hockey in packs? And if you’re far north, what do you need an umbrella for? Certainly not rain. If you’re using things for the rain, you won’t get solar power for a “pack.” Further reading did not help much. I learned that the “pack” ignites and sticks to the top of the umbrella.

“The company has received six reports of overheating of lithium-ion batteries, including three reports that the solar panel ignited while charging via the AC adapter indoors, and the solar panel pack overheated. Includes two reports that the umbrella ignited when it ignited when attached to the solar panel, and one smoke inhalation injury.

After doing a lot of things and reading on the internet and almost finding “this item is out of stock” or “this item is discontinued”, the umbrella is not something you carry around, you Turns out to be what you have. You may put it in the garden to create shade during the day and protect yourself from the rain during a picnic on a rainy day. Solar “Pack?” It powers LED lights that give your picnic table a romantic glow when you’re having a dinner or a party after dark.

So that makes sense, but when the “packs” mounted on the umbrella (not in the shade) ignited, the people who bought them obviously didn’t have a good time. Apparently the pack has not only a small solar panel, but also some battery cells that can overheat and make a small reproduction of the HBO Chernobyl miniseries. In addition, burning an umbrella can upset your neighbors and give you some fines that HOA Karenth feels itchy to slap you.

Why does the “pack” ignite?

Like the Chevrolet Bolt EV and Hyundai Kona, this time it doesn’t seem to be due to a defective battery cell. In such cases, there really isn’t a good temporary solution, and it’s not expected to park in the garage, even if it’s not fully charged, at least until the vehicle gets a new battery pack.

Instead, the CPSC and its equivalent Canada are instructed to store “packs” indoors and out of the sun to prevent ignition. Therefore, it seems that the battery is overheated and has a thermal runaway. In that case, the adjacent cells will also rise, which may make it difficult to extinguish the fire, albeit small.

This can also be seen on EVs. Lithium batteries generally need to stay in a narrow temperature range, which is usually about the same temperature that humans can comfortably spend. If it gets too cold, the battery will not be able to generate electrical energy from the stored chemical energy. Well, if you heat them too hot, you’ll be on fire. To prevent that from happening and extend battery life, most EVs, like other cars, have a liquid cooling system that releases heat through the radiator (although it emits much less heat). Become). There is no electronic security measure to reduce the available power or stop the car if it gets too hot.

Problem here

Automakers spend a lot of time and money designing safe battery systems for vehicles, but small electronics are not subject to the same strict safety standards. In many cases, breaking these cheap ones will allow you to find wires and batteries without any serious battery or heat management. Good electronic devices like security cameras in my home have at least some basic BMS to prevent fire, and the battery is in a white colored home to reflect solar energy.

However, if you combine a cheap “pack” that does not contain the actual BMS (or insufficient BMS), blacken the housing and leave it in the sun every day, you will get the perfect recipe even in case of a disaster. increase. It’s a small disaster.

If this small recall and the larger vehicle recall we saw tell us something, it means that the design and safety of the battery pack is essential. Proper cooling and safety measures are not what we can get to make cheaper products to keep Costco, Amazon and Wal-Mart prices low. On a small scale, people can get burned or inhale smoke. On a larger scale, people can die and the entire building can be burned down.

Regulators do play a role here, but we still live in a world where buyers have to be careful. Don’t be cheap, especially if you’re buying something outdoors with a lithium battery. Be careful when shopping. When buying something, make sure the battery is properly cared for and protected from overheating and other issues that can cause the new gadget to get engulfed in smoke.

All images are provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.


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