The Christchurch leasing company proposing to take over the running of the NZ Agricultural Show is likely to find out this week whether its bid has been accepted.
The show has been an annual fixture in the city every November for more than 160 years.
But the Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association canceled the three-day event last month due to “financial constraints”.
Event Hire then stepped down last week with a proposal to organize the show this year.
Event Hire has proposed a slimmed-down show with fewer stalls and visitors.
It would move the three-day event forward and take place Thursday through Saturday.
Attendance would also be limited to 50,000 to make planning and running the show easier.
Event Hire wants to reduce the entry fee to make it more affordable for families and reduce costs for stall holders.
Previous fairs have attracted approximately 600 trade exhibitors and more than 100,000 people.
Event Hire co-owner Nick Anderson said it has met with the Canterbury A&P Association board several times.
The two sides are now delving into the “key” details of running the show, he said.
Anderson hopes the board will make a decision on Event Hire's proposal by the end of this week so his team can start planning the big event.
– By Geoff Sloan, created with the support of NZ On Air