This week in data: Getting real value from your data

This week in data: Getting real value from your data

Join top executives in San Francisco on July 11-12 to hear how leaders are integrating and optimizing AI investments for success. Learn more

What do your colleagues spend money on and why? This week, Bruno explains what data quality really means today, explains what leaders are investing in now and what their priorities are, and highlights the successes of key data leaders you should know about and follow. Watch the video below for more information:

This week are AutoCast includes the following:

  1. Data quality properties: Only about 1/3 of data and analytics organizations extract value from their data. Why? The answer is simple: data quality. Bruno offers a series of concrete questions you can ask to assess the quality of your data. These questions are about data, people and the actions taken on the data. (The best acronym he came up with was DPA for DQ, but he’s open to suggestions.)
  2. Cloud software expenses: Find out why budget sharing between people and technology, priority hiring and priority investments) are three important insights that you should not miss.
  3. Stories of great leaders: Key figures of Orange France Unpleasant Richemont Unpleasant Cartier and to geo tab. Learn about the stories of data leaders in your field.

Finally, this week you have two ways to get in touch with Bruno personally Data Cloud Live summit in Toronto and online, where he will discuss The latest stats from Harvard Business Review on data, AI and analytics.

For more, visit Bruno’s blogging.


Transform 2023

Join us on July 11-12 in San Francisco, where top executives will talk about how they integrated and optimized AI investments for success and how they avoided common pitfalls.

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Bruno Aziza is head of data and analytics at Google Cloud.

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