Packing for a vacation is never easy, especially when you have to fit all your luggage in a carry-on suitcase.
There are a number of items that people have in their continue business which ultimately take up too much space.
Travel experts from Go Dan River have made a list of six items that you should never attempt to carry in your hand luggage.
High heels
Those of you trying to stuff your heels in? your cases is advised not to do this.
Heels are not only heavy, they can also have an awkward shape.
It is recommended that you try to avoid pack them unless they are essential to your trip.

heavy raincoat
When you travel in the winteror going to a cold and wet place, a large jacket may seem like an important addition to the suitcase.
However, they are big and bulky, so a lightweight raincoat, poncho or umbrella are all listed as: items to pack instead, because they take up less space.
Anyone who needs a heavy raincoat is recommended to wear it while travelingso it doesn’t have to be in the suitcase.
neck pillow
Some travelers insist on take away a neck pillow for their comfort.
However, they can be quite cumbersome and for short trips they are not really essential.
Unless you have a very long journey, the advice is to: let it kiss At home.
Incorrect adapters
Surprisingly, people often take more than one adapter on vacation, just to make sure they have the right one.
It’s worth doing some research prior to a vacation and only the correct adapteror if in doubt purchase a universal adapter.
Dry clean clothes only
Packing up versatile clothing is useful if you have little luggage.
Therefore, bring clothes that must bedry cleaning can be a problem†
One stain and those clothes can’t be worn for the rest of the trip and will eventually just take over valuable luggage space†
Too many skin care products
It can be tempting to pack all your skincare products to help you look your best on holiday.
However, these can also do a lot vital luggage space†
The advice is to packing only essential skin care products, which are a cleanser, a moisturizer and an SPF.

This frequent traveler revealed a free packing hack to get more space in your suitcase.
These moms revealed the best packing tips when traveling with children.