UNDERDOGS, the rogue-like VR mech fighter from One Hamsa, is getting its latest and biggest update later this month.
Titled SANDBOX XERthe upcoming update on August 29th will include challenges, leaderboards, sandbox tools, community content, and a training gym. Most notably, SANDBOXXER will add a large set of building blocks to play with, as well as new events and enemy balancing.
UNDERDOGS is a story-driven, physics-based arena combat game where the main characters fight their way through the underground fighting pits of New Brakka. Developed by One Hamsa (creators of Racket: Nx), UNDERDOGS debuted in January with an upcoming Pico release in September. It has received a lot of useful updates, and a developer roadmap promises great future support.
We gave UNDERDOGS 4/5 stars when we reviewed it in Januaryand called it a “new benchmark for VR arena combat.”
UNDERDOGS delivers a great experience from start to finish, and we only wish there was more. Between the strong presentation, engaging core gameplay, and progression systems, One Hamsa has delivered an arena fighter that achieves something fresh and exciting on every level.
UNDERDOGS launches on Pico on September 5th and is now available on Scavenger hunt And Steam.