Undertaker supports Stephanie McMahon as needed by “calm hands” WWE

Undertaker supports Stephanie McMahon as needed by “calm hands” WWE

Undertaker believes the company can thrive under Stephanie McMahon (Photo: WWE)

Undertaker abandoned his support after Stephanie McMahon became WWE’s interim chairman and chief executive officer.

A legendary superstar close to both Stephanie and his father Vince McMahon commented on her appointment. This is because her father resigned from her role as chairman and CEO as the board continues to investigate allegations of fraud.

Earlier this month, the board released a press release, and Vince, who maintains a creative and on-screen role at the company, voluntarily resigned from his responsibilities as CEO and chairman of the board and investigated.

Now Undertaker commented on the situation, suggesting that Stephanie has all the tools to succeed in her role.

He told Sports Illustrated: ‘Stephanie is great, and she’s going to show it in this new role. She sees the big picture, her crazy. Her stable and gentle hands are just what you need.

“Her body has no selfish bones, but she’s all about business. She’s the right person for the job. I’m 100% confident about what Stephanie McMahon does for the company. I am.

Stephanie has previously expressed pride in taking on that role and said he will look to “strengthen” the company’s culture.

Stephanie said in a statement: “I love this company and I promise to work with independent directors to strengthen our culture and company. Having a safe and supportive workplace is very important to me.

“I have promised to do my utmost to help the Special Committee complete its work, including marshalling company-wide cooperation to assist in completing the investigation and implementing the findings. “

Stephanie announced last month that she would take a leave of absence to focus on her family. In March, her husband Paul’Triple H’Levesque confirmed her retirement within her ring after fighting for his life after the fight against viral pneumonia. Heart failure, it left a defibrillator on his chest.

Stephanie tweeted:’As of tomorrow, I’m on leave from most of my responsibilities at WWE.

“WWE is a lifelong legacy to me and I look forward to returning to my beloved company after focusing this time on my family.”

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Details: Vince McMahon speaks to fans on WWE SmackDown hours after resigning as CEO and chairman in allegations of illegal activity

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