Up to 22 people died and “corpses scattered on the table” after a massive “addiction” at a South African nightclub

Up to 22 people died and “corpses scattered on the table” after a massive “addiction” at a South African nightclub

Up to 22 people died in nightclubs due to “scattered tables and chairs” and “addiction.”

Authorities are investigating the dead as the body was found at the Enobeni tavern in East London, South Africa.


The body was found at a nightclub in East London, South Africa

Brigadier General Tenbin Koshi Kinana said police were warned by the general public about the incident at Scenery Park, about 3 km from the city center.

He added that the situation in which they died was “under investigation” and it was too early to determine the cause of death for young adults aged 18 to 20 years.