Urgent warning to parents as only 1 in 20 have signs of a deadly disease

Urgent warning to parents as only 1 in 20 have signs of a deadly disease

PARENTS have been urged to refresh their knowledge when it comes to deadly meningitis and blood poisoning.

Experts have now warned that the disease is ‘more than a rash’, after only one in 20 revealed the main signs of the condition.


Parents have been warned to refresh their knowledge when it comes to the signs of meningitisCredit: Getty

The new poll also found that mothers are eight times more likely than fathers to know what to look out for when it comes to the deadly insects.

performed by the Meningitis Research Foundationthe study highlights the knowledge gap that Britons have.

Today is World Meningitis Day and experts warned that wasn’t enough parents know the other signs apart from a resultwhat they should look for.

meningitis and blood poisoning are closely related diseases as they are both caused by the same bacteria.

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Sometimes the symptoms can resemble those of the fluespecially in the early stages of the disease.

Those most at risk for the diseases are children under the age of five, teenagers and young adults.

Claire Wright, chief of evidence and policy at the Meningitis Research Foundation, said parents should think of sepsis as blood poisoning caused by the same bacteria as meningitis.

She added: “Every day we support people dealing with the life-changing impact of meningitis and septicemia, from deafness to loss of limb, to epilepsy or long-term memory problems.

“Yet the bacteria that cause these diseases can be defeated in our lifetime through better vaccine development, availability and uptake, improved diagnostic testing and knowing when to get medical help.

“It’s also important to remember that meningitis and blood poisoning are more than just a rash, which doesn’t always show up.

“This poll tells us that not enough parents are aware of some of the other signs to pay attention to.

“We want to change that so that more lives can be saved.”

The poll, conducted by YouGov, also found that more than three-quarters of parents (78 percent) knew that meningitis, which is caused by bacteria that infect the lining of the brain and spine, is life-threatening and can be fatal within 24 hours. .

The majority understood that the insects could cause a rash, and most knew that if you have meningitis, you might struggle with bright lights.

However, many parents were less aware of other symptoms.

The ones most commonly associated with blood poisoning, such as cold and shivering feet, were recognized by less than a third of parents.

Meningitis: The Signs You Need To Know

The symptoms of meningitis develop suddenly and include:

  • High fever above 37.5 degrees – the average human temperature
  • being ill
  • headache
  • a blotchy rash that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it
  • stiffness, especially in the neck
  • sensitivity to bright light
  • drowsiness, irritability, or lack of energy
  • cold hands and feet
  • seizures

The classic rash associated with meningitis usually looks like small, red pinpricks at first.

But it will spread all over the body and turn into red or purple spots.

Pressing the side of a glass firmly against the skin where the rash is and it does not fade is a sign of blood poisoning and you should seek immediate medical attention.

About 33 percent also didn’t realize that rapid breathing or shortness of breath was a sign, and 43 percent didn’t know either mottled skin was an indication of illness.

Parents were somewhat aware of other signs of meningitis, such as a stiff neck and severe headache.

The poll found that 69 percent of mothers had at least half of the symptomscompared to 33 percent of fathers.

Only 15 percent of fathers knew of none of the symptoms, compared with four percent of mothers.

One father, a little boy who contracted meningitis in December 2021, said this lack of knowledge “must change.”

James Vincent said he had little understanding before his son George, 3, contracted meningitis.

The 41-year-old said he was experiencing symptoms, including a a feverloss of appetite and lethargy.

James, who lives in Barrowash, Derbyshire added: “I knew nothing about meningitis.

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“I knew about a rash and a glass, but George didn’t have those symptoms and there are so many more, but often people are not aware of them.”

Little George has suffered from hearing loss since his battle with meningitis and is currently on the road to recovery.