Kettles, toasters and towels were once the staples of a wedding gift list. But a new generation of couples are asking their guests for something more ambitious.
Friends and family are now contributing a first home, acres of woodland, and even a flock of sheep to celebrate the wedding. Kiran Kaur, 27, and her fiancé, Sam Sahota, have enlisted the help of their wedding guests to tackle the biggest barrier to owning a home: making a down payment.
They are getting married next month and hope to buy their first home in Solihull within two years.
Ms Kaur said: “Anyone who has contributed to the house will know that they have played a huge part in our future. That makes it really special.”
The couple sent guests a link to a deposit-saving app, Nude, where they can deposit into the house fund online instead of giving cash to be spent elsewhere.
The app charges € 2 per month. Zoe Burke of the wedding website said: “Couples are definitely moving away from the traditional – everyone already has a toaster and they usually have the kettle to go with it.
“It’s especially helpful for couples in their first year of marriage — money can be a little tight after saving for a wedding.”
House prices have fallen by 16.8 pc since the start of the pandemic. increased, while average incomes rose by only 2.7 pc in the same period. have risen, pushing affordability to a record low, according to bank Halifax.
‘A 200 pound plumber was a great wedding present’
In addition to seeking help buying a home, newlyweds embarking on a renovation project have increasingly asked for cash, especially as they have recently faced rising material costs and a supply chain crisis.
Olivia Knight of Patchwork, a website for organizing group gifts, said: “Gift options can be £200 to pay for a plumber, £1 to buy a kitchen tile or more practical options such as placing shelves or potting herbs for the windowsill.
“Couples are aware that weddings are expensive for guests and want to make sure gifts are affordable and options are inclusive for everyone.”
Three months before Kate and Pete Grevitt got married last year, they bought a “crumbly cottage” in Sussex that required a full restoration.
Ms Grevitt said: “By asking for money for the refurbishment, our guests felt that they were really helping us get ready for married life in our cozy cottage, without cluttering our closets.”
Some friends bought the couple decorative gifts such as tiles, wallpaper and light fixtures, while more practical guests opted for drywall and insulation.
Ms Grevitt added: “It’s really exciting to know that all our friends and family have helped make our house a home. Everyone is eager to have a cup of tea and see the sink, tile or fireplace they bought for us.
“A friend bought us a brick from each of their children, so we decided to write their names on some of the bricks that will be used in the project so they can come see their bricks once it’s done.”