There’s a lot of talk about ‘love languages’: finding out and appreciating how you and your partner want to express and receive love.
Not so much about something equally as important for a happy relationship: what sex language you both speak.
Our sex language is based on the ‘erotic blueprint’ we form when we’re young. This alters and changes, in response to our sexual experiences, throughout our life.
There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ sex languages (though some are much easier to work with and have a better time of it than others!)
Are you doomed if you don’t speak the same language?
The answer, of course, is no. Sex always involves compromise.
On the other hand, connecting on this base level certainly means you’ll have a lot less problems than most.
Identify your sex language by answering yes to four or five of the ‘Is This You?’ statements. Most of us predominately speak one sex language but identify with certain traits in others. If you score highly on more than one, you’re a mix between two (or more).

Tracey Cox revealed how to identify your ‘sex language’ for better intimacy and a happy relationship (file image)
Your eye went straight to ‘sex’ in the headline and you’re now reading avidly…
- You like sex to be an intense experience
- When you want to have sex with someone, it can border on obsession
- You completely lose yourself in the experience of having sex
- Having passionate sex regularly is extremely important to you
- Nothing is out of bounds sexually
BEST BITS: You’re creative and outgoing with extremely spicy fantasies. Power play, sex in risky places, threesomes, exhibitionism, you’re drawn to sex that feels taboo or forbidden. You’re the first to suggest a night out to a fetish club and first in line at events like Sexpo.
WORST BITS: You don’t need to feel emotionally connected to someone to enjoy having sex: fine if you let your partner know in advance. Not so fine if you don’t and they’re expecting more. Sex is more about physical pleasure than connection: if anything, intimacy gets in the way of your good time. You’ll promise anything to have sex with someone you’re lusting after but get bored quickly and move onto your next conquest.
MAKE SEX BETTER: Be upfront about not wanting commitment and your life will be far less messy and dramatic. Casual sex is fine but eventually even you will tire of it (yes really). Adding love into the mix doesn’t have to mean less erotic sex: just find someone who shares your soaring sex drive and is as committed to giving it high priority. You might even find the high intensity mix of love and desire takes you to levels you find even more enjoyable.
IDEAL MATCH: Best: a fellow Lust Slave. An Adventurer and Energiser would also work.
DON’T GO THERE: A Romantic: your polar opposite.
This language is as it sounds: you’re up for exploring all sorts.
- You’re curious about the world
- You love having sex and can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t
- Sex is fun – you don’t take it seriously if things go wrong
- You love experimenting and aren’t scared to push outside your comfort zone
- You’re generous in and out of bed

Tracey (pictured) said adventurers, who love sex, should talk to their partner about sex outside the bedroom if they are sexually insecure
BEST BITS: You love sex. You’ve loved sex from the moment you figured out how to climax (years before the other kids). Chances are you grew up in a household where sex was something to be celebrated not brushed under the carpet. You’re enthusiastic, equally as invested in giving and receiving pleasure and open to finding out your partner’s needs and wants. You’re also sexually savvy because you take an active interest in sex: listen to podcasts, read books, always aware of what’s the new sex trend. You’re affectionate, demonstrative, like touching and being touched.
WORST BITS: You don’t have any sexual baggage, usually climax easily and are body confident, regardless of your shape. Sex is so easy and uncomplicated for you, it’s hard to empathise with a partner who does have issues. Sex is a priority, so excuses like ‘I’m too tired’ or ‘I don’t have time’ don’t wash.
MAKE SEX BETTER: Not everyone is lucky enough to be blessed with such unfaltering sexual confidence. If your partner is sexually insecure, talk about sex outside the bedroom and really listen to their experiences and views on sex. Don’t assume everyone is born a good lover: give tactful instruction, guide gently and wait before they’re comfortable before suggesting anything a little out there.
YOUR IDEAL MATCH: An Adventurer or Energiser.
DON’T GO THERE: A Controller.
Already betting your language will be the ‘best’ one? You’re in this category!
- You’re competitive
- You have high expectations for yourself and your sex life
- You’re up for anything sexually and dislike rules
- You don’t like to compromise
- You don’t like it when things go wrong sexually
BEST BITS: Catch you on a good day and you’re an exciting, seductive creature who mesmerizes and dazzles your lovers with bucketloads of confidence, extraordinary technique and unbridled enthusiasm. Because you’re highly motivated, you can happily match with people with an average or even low sex drive. You put the effort in to capture their interest and constantly come up with new things to keep them interested.
NOT SO GOOD: God help a lover who is ungrateful or generally unenthusiastic. You don’t mind them needing a little prompting, but eagerness and attitude are everything. Your partner also needs to be technically adept so they can satisfy you. You like to be top of the game in everything you do and that includes sex. This makes for unrealistically high expectations, so if something does go wrong – your erection dares not to be rock hard or your partner doesn’t wax lyrical about your oral technique – you over-react. Not surprisingly, this can lead to long term problems.
MAKE SEX BETTER: Yes, yes we all know you’re good at the whole sex thing but there’s no need to be scathing of partners who aren’t. Energisers can also be pretty good at convincing themselves it’s OK to have a bit on the side if their partner’s not putting out as often as you’d like. Another potential pitfall: because ‘novelty’ is your middle name, there’s a tendency for you to rely too much on sexual props. Sometimes you need to put down the toys, whips, porn and playthings and strip sex back to basics. Get naked, get in the missionary position, look deep into your partner’s eyes and connect.
YOUR IDEAL MATCH: An Energiser or Adventurer. The Lust Slave will appeal but won’t put you on the pedestal you crave.
DON’T GO THERE: A controller.
Think more about others than you do yourself? Chances are this is your love language.
- You get more pleasure giving than receiving
- You’re quite shy in bed
- You feel uncomfortable telling your lovers what you like and don’t like
- Your sex partners have often asked if you enjoy having sex with them because they aren’t sure
- You’re quiet during sex
BEST BITS: Sex is a gift you give your lover. Kind and generous, you initially present as heaven on a stick – especially to someone who’s just emerged, bruised and battered, from a relationship with a lust slave. Your enthusiasm for giving pleasure is phenomenal – you’ll happily settle in to perform oral sex for an hour without once complaining of neck pain so bad, you’re about to pass out.
NOT SO GOOD: You don’t like it when the power dynamic flips: receiving pleasure makes you feel uncomfortable. You’re also not good at showing enjoyment in sex: your partner’s lucky to get a moan or groan when they reciprocate. You might like routine in your sex sessions – not everyone else does.

Tracey said romantics, who secretly prefer cuddles to sex, should try being more spontaneous and push their limits (file image)
MAKE SEX BETTER: Because you’re not keen on confrontation, any resentment in sex is buried – often resulting in difficulties with arousal or orgasm. Instead of trying to ‘pay your partner back’ in sneaky, passive-aggressive ways (which you’re inclined to do), speak up more both during sex and about it. Shift the pleasure focus from them to you: think about what you need and want and tell your partner you need their help to learn to ‘take’ in bed. When they’re pleasuring you, force yourself to focus on the feeling and sensations.
DON’T GO THERE: A Lust Slave, Adventurer or Energiser will overwhelm you.
Dragging yourself away from sighing over stories of celeb couples in love? You’ll score highly here.
- You secretly prefer cuddles to sex
- The emotional temperature must be just right before you can get in the mood for sex
- You enjoy connecting, soulful sex with lots of eye contact
- For you, sex is more about intimacy and connection than it is satisfying sexual cravings
- You feel uncomfortable with lovers who get too carried away
BEST BITS: You’re a rom-com fan and a sucker for grand gestures of love. For you, sex is more about expressing love and feelings than it is physical release. You’re less interested in sexual performance and more focused on the emotional benefits of sex: intimacy rather than orgasm is your aim. You’re also a forgiving lover and so long as you feel your partner loves you, will tolerate most sex drives. You’re realistic about sex so reasonably easy to please in a physical sense.
NOT SO GOOD: A lusty but disconnected lover who gets too lost in the physical side will leave you cold. The whole point of having sex, for you, is to feel closer and connected to your partner. If that’s missing, you won’t enjoy it.
MAKE SEX BETTER: The relationship isn’t always going to be perfect, so you could stand to lower your expectations a little. Be more open to spontaneous sex and try shifting your focus from your heart to other parts. Have ‘dirtier’ sex and push your limits. Mix it up a little: romantic, loving sex is great but so is the throw-each-other-around variety. Read some erotic books for ideas and become more selfish about your needs. Most importantly, don’t suffocate your partner sexually by insisting they gaze into your eyes when they’d rather be feasting them on other, more interesting parts.
YOUR IDEAL MATCH: A Stabiliser or Controller.
DON’T GO THERE: A Lust Slave.
Would you define yourself as a creature of habit? This will probably speak to you.
- You can only orgasm through a particular or specific technique
- You like to be in control of your emotions
- You like routine both in and out of the bedroom
- You feel threatened or insulted when your partner suggests you try something new
- Change makes you feel uncomfortable
BEST BITS: Others might look in and find your sex life a little dull but, in fact, you orgasm easily with your partner. Because you stick to the same method, the path to orgasm is well-travelled and if you train your body to orgasm a certain way, it reads the signposts easily, identifying predictable triggers to tip you over the edge.
Predictable sex that follows a tried-and-true set pattern is your idea of sexual nirvana, so it requires little effort to keep you satisfied.
NOT SO GOOD: You dislike change and find it quite stressful so the impromptu sexual surprise that would thrill others, instead freaks you out. Intensity and novelty are adjectives most put on their wish list for sex; for you, they’re negatives. Adventurous lovers, willing to try new things that might possibly backfire, need not apply.

Tracey said worriers, who naturally have a low libido, should take a break from sex and work through past negative sexual experiences (file image)
MAKE SEX BETTER: A certain amount of predictability is fine but too much desensitises. Try to push at least a little out of your comfort zone to build your sexual confidence. If you feel more comfortable approaching sex in a logical fashion, try drawing up a list of new things to try. Predictable doesn’t need to be boring: if you plan some new activities to add variety, you’ll still feel in control because you know what’s coming. Take baby steps and introduce one thing that you feel in control of rather than pushing yourself out of your comfort zone too quickly.
YOUR IDEAL MATCH: A fellow Controller, Stabiliser or Romantic would all work well.
DON’T GO THERE: An Energiser, Adventurer or Lust Slave.
If you’re a worrier, you’ll have quickly skimmed all the types, fearful to find one that may actually describe you.
- You have a naturally low libido
- Sex has been traumatic in the past
- It’s extremely important for you to feel safe during sex
- You have low self-esteem
- The thought of having sex makes you feel anxious
BEST BITS: As the name suggests, of all the types, you are the one who worries the most about sex. It’s not to say you don’t enjoy it, it’s just something that’s often fraught with anxiety for you and in a society saturated by sex, it’s embarrassing to admit you’re not dying for it like everyone else seems to be. You often feel under pressure to perform and worry you’re inadequate – both in how you look and what you’re doing in bed. Some of you may even avoid sex completely out of a fear of failure, preferring to satisfy yourself through masturbation rather than have sex with a partner. If you’re wondering why the ‘best bits’ aren’t so great for this language, it’s because of all the sex types, you are the most vulnerable.
NOT SO GOOD: You may try to hide what you see as your ‘secret’ by sleeping with lots of people to prove to others (including yourself) that you enjoy being sexually active. Or to attempt to obliterate an unhappy sexual past. You may also stay in bad relationships and have ‘victim’ sex: getting little or no enjoyment from it and doing it purely for your partner’s pleasure. The implications of this aren’t good – if you have sex for the wrong reasons with the wrong person, you feel used, abused and even more worthless.
MAKE SEX BETTER: If you identify with this sex language, I’d strongly advise you take a break from sex and work through past negative sexual experiences with a good therapist. Challenge any out-dated beliefs, find new, healthier sex role models, perhaps replacing the views of puritanical parents with those of friends you admire. If you’re single, vow to stop having casual sex for a while – it’s not doing you any favours. Instead, build your sexual confidence by doing therapy or, if that’s not for you, through talking with understanding friends or some self-help (there are many excellent books to help you heal from trauma). When you feel better, look for a partner who you feel you might eventually be able to trust. Don’t have sex too early. If you’re unsure of your judgement, introduce potential partners to trustworthy friends for their opinion before getting sexually involved. Finally, trust that a healthy, satisfying sex life is possible for you once you exorcise the demons.
YOUR IDEAL MATCH: A therapist. A Romantic is a good choice once you feel more sorted.
DON’T GO THERE: A Lust Slave. Ironically, you’re often attracted to each other: Worriers are an easy target for Lust Slaves and Worriers go there to prove they’re the same as everyone else. It never ends well. Avoid.
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