What you need to know about the new Mental Health Crisis Hotline

What you need to know about the new Mental Health Crisis Hotline

But callers across the country can reach an emergency responder simply by calling 988.

“Having an anonymous chance to talk to someone who knows what they’re talking about, who won’t be scared when you say ‘I don’t know what to do, I’m thinking of hurting myself’ – this is an extraordinary option said Dr. Trestman.

Counselors talk about the cause of a person’s distress — whether it stems from illness, job loss, or family stress, for example. They help callers develop a “roadmap,” said Dr. Draper, with concrete next steps to take after they hang up, including thinking about who else to turn for help, such as a therapist or clergy member.

While call times vary, they usually last between 15-20 minutes, said Dr. drape.

“When a person is in a state of crisis, they are so overwhelmed by the psychological pain they are experiencing — it’s really hard for them to see all the options and actually engage some of their natural coping mechanisms,” said Dr. drape. Advisors can help “assemble some of those internal resources,” he said.

In an emergency, such as if the caller needs medical attention, 988 will work with local police or hospitals to send services. Furthermore, calls are anonymous. “It’s the same kind of intimacy you’d get at a doctor’s office or a therapist,” said Dr. drape.

In the months leading up to the new issue’s launch, The New York Times and other news outlets reported on looming fears that call centers can’t keep up with demand, partly because of insufficient funding, and partly because of a shortage of volunteers to man the line.

Still, those behind 988 say they’re confident the service can provide critical care.

“Does that mean there will never be a wait?” said Dr. drape. ‘I can’t promise that. But I can promise that if you persevere, you will eventually get a response from a counselor who listens to you and cares about your situation.”