Where is my hand, is my chest as big as this?

Where is my hand, is my chest as big as this?

Where’s my hand, is my chest as big as this one?, #Where’s #hand #chest #big Welcome to OLASMEDIA TV NEWSThis is what we have for you today:

Where is my hand, is my chest as big as this?  - Lady tackles Anambra tailor with outfit she made for her (video)

A lady has been spotted in a viral video where she confronts a tailor about the outfit she made for her.

The lady revealed that the outfit was too tight and added that she showed the tailor the style she wanted.

She also stated that she could not move properly because the arm area was too tight and went on to say that the chest area was too big for her.

However, the tailor kept saying that the corrections are minor challenges. Watch the video below……………….


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