Why are investors spending billions of dollars on the NFT industry?

Why are investors spending billions of dollars on the NFT industry?

NFT spaces have grown significantly over the last few years, and people are pouring billions of dollars into the industry to buy e-apes, e-punks, or other funky digital merchandise. Despite the large amount of money flowing into the space, some people couldn’t bother with the exorbitant selling prices of NFTs, which are freely accessible to everyone on the Internet.

Well, there are several reasons. The main motivation for most NFT collectors is to make a profit by buying tokens at a low price and selling them at a high price. Nevertheless, it is part of the community and some means of buying to be flexible. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any enthusiastic digital art collectors or gamers in this space.

Beyond NFT Profit Generation

According to a recent survey conducted by DEXterlab, nearly 64% [of the 1318 respondents] They have shown to buy NFTs to make money. But the rest of the people prioritized other aspects.

15% of respondents buy digital art tokens to participate in the community. The fact that humans are social creatures and have a desire to brag is not surprising. However, for people in this category, accessing other important benefits in addition to the status symbol is just as important. The DEXterlab research report is

“… A strong community is one of the most important advantages of an NFT project. Active and friendly people and good engagement can lay the foundation for the project’s success by creating a buzz and attracting new people. Because.-Period value. “

Also, please note that community members with specific NFTs in HODL have access to other perks such as access to other limited collections, participation in exclusive social gatherings, and more.

Moving on to the next people, collectors make up about 12%. Collecting digital art is not much different from collecting physical art. E-collecting has convenient advantages such as interacting with creators, supporting creators, and connecting with other collectors on platforms such as Discord and Twitter. The same will strengthen the industry. According to DEXterlab, the same is mutually beneficial.

The remaining 9% of investors buy NFTs to access games and tools. According to the surveyor

“One of the main benefits of NFTs is the value that comes with them. They are often offered in the form of membership rights that grant access to creators’ projects and associated perks such as games and tools. .. “

Research also revealed that half of the sample size intentionally spends $ 50 to $ 500 to get an NFT. The next quarter revealed that it’s okay to spend more than $ 2000 on a single non-fungible token. The remaining respondents showed that their investment turned around in the range of $ 500 to $ 20,000.

Gray lining

While purchasing NFTs comes with additional perks, research has shown that not all investments tend to be rewarded. All silver linings have a gray lining, right? DEXterlab is

“The main reason people buy NFTs is to make money, but the majority of NFT holders (58.3%) who participated in our polls said their NFTs aren’t very beneficial so far. Said. “