If you are someone who closely follows the Indian telecom industry, you know that the spectrum auction is the hottest going on right now. The telcos have so far spent nearly Rs 1.5 lakh crore on the spectrum in various Department of Telecommunications (DoT) frequency bands. The thing to note here is that spectrum helps the telcos in providing mobile connectivity services. So it’s an obvious question whether 4G mobile speeds will improve after the spectrum auction.
Well, the answer depends on several factors. How the Telcos Plan to De spectrum bought during the auction will determine how better the 4G speeds will be. It’s worth noting that the telcos spent money on the 700MHz band in this spectrum auction. This is a spectrum band mainly used to provide better coverage. So in the coming months, users can also get improved coverage from their respective telcos.
Extra spectrum can help increase capacity
Of course, additional airwaves would help the telcos add capacity, which in turn could also lead to fewer network congestion scenarios. India is a large market with millions of consumers trying to access the mobile networks every second in densely populated areas. Because of this, network congestion is quite common in India. The telcos have also been accused of not limiting connection speed for many users during peak hours due to: capacity issues.
There is no clarity on how each of the telcos will use the extra spectrum they are getting from the current auctions. But it should definitely bring about a change in a measurable way for the consumers to experience. How soon it will happen is also something that is in the unknown at the moment. Furthermore, it is important to remember that the telcos are not only investing in 4G airwaves, but the main goal is to get spectrum for 5G services.