Women debate about socially acceptable behavior that they want banned

Women debate about socially acceptable behavior that they want banned

From men going shirtless to people having conversations on speakerphone, women have revealed behaviors that are often seen as socially acceptable but deeply resented.

Going to the UK parenting platform Mothers netone woman started the discussion in a post titled, “Things that are socially acceptable, but you wish they weren’t.”

In it, she said her pet peeves are “men who go shirtless in public,” men who *** on the side of the road, “and smoke.”

Many rushed to the comments to share their own examples of unacceptable behavior that is societal norms, including “spit,” “vape,” and “fake teeth.”

The original post said, “I kind of feel like a man. For me: Men p****** by the side of the road. I’ve seen this twice in the past few days, but there were public toilets nearby.

From men going shirtless to dogs in public areas, women have revealed things that are socially acceptable and disliked (stock image)

From men going shirtless to dogs in public areas, women have revealed things that are socially acceptable and disliked (stock image)

“If a woman did this, people would question her sanity, or at least think she was unworthy, but for men it’s considered normal.

‘Men without a shirt in public. Do what you like in your own garden, but why walk around the shopping street etc without a shirt?

‘It’s never that hot in England – some much warmer climates even have dignity laws that prohibit both men and women from even showing their arms or legs. And you know, sunburn.

‘Smoking. I hate walking behind someone who smokes, it blows back in the face of the person behind and it gives me a headache. It’s unhealthy, expensive and should just be pounded in public as far as I’m concerned.”

Commenting on the post, several agreed they hated seeing shirtless men in public, adding their own particular aversion.

One of them said, “Yeah, I agree with topless men, that crossed my mind before I even clicked on your post.”

“I also agree with smoking/vaping/weed. I admit to making a very passive aggressive “uh that’s disgusting/stinky” face and dramatically wiping it off my face, giving them the impression that other people shouldn’t be subjected to their disgusting life choices.

“When people are having very loud conversations in public and clearly want everyone to hear what they are saying. Nobody cares.’

An anonymous woman took to the parenting platform and started the discussion by saying her pet peeves are

An anonymous woman took to the parenting platform and started the discussion by saying her pet peeves are “men who go shirtless in public,” men who piss on the side of the road, and “smoking.”

Another wrote: ‘Definitely topless men. It’s pretty gross, especially if they have a beer belly.

‘Even on trains in the summer they get on and you smell sweaty flesh. Bah. I’ve also seen guys running at our local track without their tops on – they’d actually be cooler in their t-shirts that wick away the sweat.”

While another agreed: “Agree with topless men (and boys). People who let their dogs jump on others. Stationary (in the car). Going out in joggers/leggings (I’m old.)’

However, some disagreed, saying they have no problem with men taking their shirts off.

Someone wrote: ‘I really don’t understand what’s wrong with topless men. Enough in my hot yoga class. What is so wrong with the human body that it offends people?’

While many agreed that it should be unacceptable for men to go shirtless in public, others disagreed and said they see no problem with it.

While many agreed that it should be unacceptable for men to go shirtless in public, others disagreed and said they see no problem with it.

While another said, ‘Mmmmm! Topless men. If they’re fit, of course.’

Meanwhile, many forum users suggested that it should be considered socially unacceptable to sit on your phone in company.

One wrote: “It is becoming more socially acceptable to scroll on your phone in company or to use your phone at work for social reasons – both are rude.”

Another said, “People are constantly taking photos and videos on their phones.”

Numerous Mumsnetters agreed that using your cell phone in company is rude and should not be considered socially acceptable

Numerous Mumsnetters agreed that using your cell phone in company is rude and should not be considered socially acceptable

And another forum user added, “Yes to all of the above. As for mobile phones – urgh! Stop answering your phone during a date with me, it’s rude.

“Should I just pick up my personal phone during your appointment? I’ve been known to stop, look pointedly at my watch, and say to the customer, “You’ve got 10 minutes now.”‘

A fourth wrote, “People who have their phone and speaker and walk around talking loudly on their phone.”

Others wish cosmetic surgery wasn’t as socially accepted as it is today, with a saying, “Lip fillers—women everywhere looking like blow-up dolls, masses of young women disfiguring themselves.”

Others mentioned their own personal dislikes, from lip fillers to dogs in public areas and those who jump on people

Others mentioned their own personal dislikes, from lip fillers to dogs in public areas and those who jump on people

Another agreed saying: ‘Oh yeah, and about pumped up lips. You are human, not a duck.’

Also aesthetically, a Mumsnetter said they disliked “drawn eyebrows, fake tan that looks like you’re tanned, trout pouts, makeup so thick it looks like a mask, fake breasts, fake teeth.” teenagers who scream when they meet. People who say every other word like ‘nice or innit’……’

Dogs in public areas was another thing cited by forum users as something they wanted to be socially unacceptable.

One person said, ‘Dogs – everywhere! Let dogs be dogs!! New hobbyhorse, no pun intended.’

And added a second: “Dogs in cafes, restaurants and shops.”

Meanwhile, another wrote: “Yes and also owners of dogs who let their dog spoil other people’s days out in various locations because they have no control or recall of their dog.”