I’m a cleaning expert – how to fake a clean and tidy house when you’re in a rush

A cleaning professional has revealed the simple steps you can take to keep your home looking tidy when you’re in a hurry.

While we all want our spaces to look good, most of us don’t have the time to deep clean.


TikTok organizing pro Caroline Solomon shared her tips for faking a clean houseCredit: TikTok
Start by fluffing up the cushions on your couches


Start by fluffing up the cushions on your couchesCredit: TikTok

Organizational expert and do-it-yourselfer Caroline Solomon (@neat.caroline) shared her method of making a clean home in a TikTok.

It’s a great hack for when you’re short on time.


The living room is the first thing you and your guests see when they walk in, so it’s important that it feels inviting.

A messy couch never looks good.

“Loose your pillows,” Caroline advised, as karate chopped them into shape.

As for the coffee table, remove the stains and fingerprints from the surface with all-purpose cleaner.

“Put your coffee table books straight,” she added.


Caroline then moved on to the most used – and often the dirtiest – room in the house: the kitchen.

To change the greasy look of your oven door, spray equal parts water and vinegar onto the surface and rub with a microfiber cloth.

She said it’s a “bonus” if you change your tea towels too so fresh clean towels are on the rack.


Then she tackled the room most people dread cleaning: the bathroom.

“Wipe mirrors with vinegar and water,” she said.

Make sure to also straighten out your towels so they don’t look so messy.


And finally, Caroline finished the bedroom.

For starters, no room will look tidy with an untidy bed, so try to make that up as soon as possible.

And all those clothes lying on the floor? It’s time to just throw them in the basket. Out of sight out of mind.

Make sure there are no clothes on the bedroom floor


Make sure there are no clothes on the bedroom floorCredit: TikTok