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Tim IRL is quite young as far as the creators of Roblox go. He is only eight years old, but he has more than 18,000 YouTube subscribers for his channel dedicated to the gaming platform.
And today the little boy whose name is Mason organizes a fight between two groups of Roblox players/creators. The groups are called The seven And The collectivee. Tim IRL will host the fight at 1 p.m. Pacific time and he will release a song, Roblox hackersat the end of it.
A group of 21 game developers and creators teamed up on Roblox to create this silly game for Timmeh IRL, who regularly collaborates with the popular creator CreekCraft, a fellow YouTuber with 7.6 million subscribers. It’s an elaborate venture that Mason came up with as part of a culmination of jokes and collaborations with KreekCraft, all in the name of fun. Collectively, the creators who help Timmeh IRL have about 22 million subscribers. Timmeh IRL itself has 989,000 views in the past year.
Today, Mason enlisted The Seven to stop rival group The Collective from taking over Roblox. It sounds simple, but it takes a plethora of clues, misdirections, distractions and strategy for The Seven to prevail. It’s like a treasure hunt through the world of Roblox. Timmeh IRL is also known for his Roblox Songs and will debut his latest song, Roblox Hackers, postgame on Spotify and Apple Music once the event is over.
“The Seven are trying to stop the Collective, which is basically taking over,” Mason said.
Mason’s parents join in the activities. Timmeh IRL told me that his mom puts together all the videos and does the production work, while Timmeh IRL is more the on-air talent.
“You do the work for me,” Mason told his mother.
The whole family joins in and Mason is always closely watched. His mom was there to translate a bit when I asked questions with too many big words. Mason told me the name of his new song, but I have no idea what he said.
Mason told me he’s been on Roblox for a few years, playing games and having fun with his friends. Mason loved watching KreekCraft’s videos and Mason realized he looked like a character named Timmeh in KreekCraft’s Roblox videos.
KreekCraft has been having fun with a Roblox character named Timmeh, who is wearing a t-shirt with 2015 on it. Timmeh IRL wore such a shirt in real life in a video he made of him trying to get into KreekCraft’s house and kept trying to trick KreekCraft at the door. The video switches between IRL and Roblox, and KreekCraft roars throughout much of it. Those kinds of videos get a lot of laughs – and views.

“He’s the creative genius,” his mother said.
His mother said he makes songs and videos at the rate of about one a month. Each is quite unique. She does a lot of the production work and he does the performances. And Mason makes decent money. KreekCraft and his friends promoted Mason’s channel.

Mason said he now has friends all over the world. His mother reminded him that they are in places like Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, the Dominican Republic, and a place Mason wasn’t quite sure he called the Middle East. Mason said it made him feel very happy.
He said he would keep making Roblox videos until he is too old to do so. Well, given that many gamers are “getting older” on Roblox, I don’t think he needs to worry about getting too old any time soon.
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