Montenegrin operator Crnogorski Telekom has the 5G network at higher frequencies, giving users Gigabit speeds. The telco has started offering 5G at 3.6 GHz midband, which allows for higher speeds and coverage. With this launch, Crnogorski Telekom started to use the spectrum in the 3.6 GHz band, which it acquired at auction by Electronic Communication Agency (EKIP) last December.
Read also: Deutsche Telekom outlines the progress of 5G rollout across Europe
Commercial launch of 5G at 3.6 GHz
Crnogorski Telekom announced the commercial launch of the 5G network in Podgorica on 3.6 GHz frequencies. In a statement Friday, the telecom said that commissioning a base station that will enable gigabit 5G speeds demonstrates its commitment to its strategic decision to build the fastest, largest and strongest mobile network in Montenegro. In addition, the telco said it is best positioned over the next 15 years to introduce Gigabit speeds to its mobile network with the spectrum it acquired last December.
Users can experience the commercially available 5G service at gigabit speeds at TC Big Fashion in Podgorica, and part of the city can already feel the power and speeds of the 5G network. The telco was the first in the country to launch a commercial 5G network in March last year and also the first to achieve Gigabit speeds on 5G a month later.
Read also: Deutsche Telekom 5G coverage reaches 95% of the population
5G coverage in Montenegro
Crnogorski Telekom ended last year with the largest 5G network in Montenegro, with the 5G network available to more than 70 percent of the population.
Ready for VoLTE rollout
Crnogorski Telekom (CT) said it is ready to enable VoLTE (Voice over LTE), a new technology for even better user experience while calling. VoLTE is a technology that allows users to make calls over 4G and 5G networks instead of older 2G/3G networks. With VoLTE, the quality of mobile voice services can be significantly improved.
Read also: Croatian regulatory body, Hakom awards spectrum to telcos
Customers can simultaneously experience voice calls and use data with VoLTE technology. CT said the VoLTE project started two years ago when the telco wanted to modernize the platforms that delivered voice services to be ready for the future. The service will roll out to compatible handsets in the coming days.