Bison in Kent: Three females get along ‘amazingly well’

The animals are in good health and await the arrival of a fourth – and male – addition to the new herd (Picture: Tom Gibbs/Robert Cannis)

Three wild female bison introduced to Kent last month are doing ‘amazingly well’.

These new photos show the trio exploring their new surroundings before a male from Germany joins them in the coming weeks.

Rangers say the group has already formed a family hierarchy, with the matriarch firmly establishing who is in charge — even stepping in when the dominant calf becomes “overly pushy.”

The huge mammals returned to the UK for the first time in thousands of years in mid-Julyin a groundbreaking project that aims to breathe new life into nature in an ancient forest area.

Conservationists and rewilding experts hailed the £1.12 million scheme as ‘biodiversity-enhancing magic’.

And experts are already seeing the impact of the bison in the Wilder Bean project, where the animal’s unique behavior offers plant and animal life new opportunities to thrive.

Bison keeper Tom Gibbs told ‘The bison are doing amazingly well. They easily find their own food; we’ve seen them eat birches, oaks, sweet chestnuts, blackberries, ferns and even a little bit of heather.

“They’ve even started debarking the conifers, which is great because a major focus of the project is the bison controlling the non-native trees in the forest.”

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The three bison were released last month in a groundbreaking project (Photo: Robert Canis)

Bison fur – which can be used by nesting birds, among other things – is already visible on the trees.

Body-worn ranger cameras also show the animals exploring the enclosed woodland at West Blean and Thornden Woods, near Canterbury.

“We’re already seeing spores starting to form and dense vegetation opening up,” Tom continued.

“We come across the wide corridors they’ve made and can see when they’ve trampled dense areas that allowed more light to reach the forest floor.”

The unexpected light will provide more opportunities for plants, insects and biodiversity in general, as will the new habitat they create in the trees.

The herd hierarchy is established with the matriarch in charge (Photo: Robert Canis)
Bison’s unusual interaction with trees and other vegetation provides opportunities for other animals and plants (Photo: Tom Gibbs)

The animals, which are mostly found in North America, have been hailed as “ecosystem engineers.”

It is hoped that they will diversify the Kent forest, spreading seeds and creating wetter areas, which will store carbon and reduce flooding.

They were nearly extinct in Europe until a resurgence in numbers in more recent decades.

For people wanting to see Kent’s new residents, the Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT) advocates keeping a safe distance and not being rowdy.

Lookouts have been set up, but wildlife enthusiasts will have to luck out with where the bison are anytime – at least for the foreseeable future.

Bison are docile by nature but classified as dangerous animals under UK law (Photo: Tom Gibbs)
Special bison tunnels have been built to help the animals move around (Photo: Tom Gibbs)

The KWT’s director of conservation, Paul Hadaway, told ‘In order to comply with legal requirements for the bison to roam freely, secure fencing has been put in place around the bison area… to ensure that people don’t get too close. to the animals.

“Although they are docile in nature, the bison is considered a dangerous animal under UK law, although on the continent where wild bison projects have been running for 20 years or more, the legislation is much more lenient.

‘Part of this project is to show UK policy makers that changes are needed to better reflect Europe’s experience of granting permits for these types of projects.’

The forest has a number of hiking trails, but curious hikers won’t be able to come into direct contact with Europe’s largest land mammal.

To avoid interaction and to allow the bison to move freely from one part of the forest to another, special ‘bison tunnels’ have been built.

It is hoped that bison calves are on their way after the male arrives (Photo: Robert Canis)
Bison rangers Tom Gibbs and Donovan Wright care for Europe’s largest mammals (Photo: Kent Wildlife Trust)

They also give people in the area a better vantage point to see their new females – which rangers hope will give birth to calves when their male companion finally arrives after Brexit-related delays.

‘We want to limit human interaction with them,’ adds Paul.

“(But) the best chance of seeing a bison is to keep quiet.”

Those who do manage to catch a glimpse are likely to find the bison in good health, with the rangers content with their physical progress and interactions as a herd.

Tom explains: ‘They are also doing well physically. We checked their manure as this is an indicator of health, and it shows that they are getting enough fiber and that their diet is good.

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“They have a big appetite and have easily purchased what is available to them in the reserve. ‘

He continued: “They have developed a good bond as a herd.

“The matriarch is in full charge, we saw her lead the two calves into the water and encourage them to explore their new environment.

‘The hierarchy is established with one of the young females showing dominance over the more timid one-horned female. That said, when the more dominant calf is overly pushy, the matriarch steps in – there’s some parenting going on!

“We couldn’t have asked for better individuals, they are everything we hoped for and turned out so well.”

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