Celebrating the completion of the subdivision sale

Sharyn and Grant Stalker, the developers of Queenstown's Shotover Country, celebrated the latest sale in their subdivision last week with a function for their 'project control group'.

While their original more than 800 residential units were sold in 2019, under the leadership of their son Kristan, land with commercial zoning was subsequently sold as well as land along the national highway that they were initially not allowed to develop.

Sharyn and Grant (second from left) are pictured at the meeting with solicitor Warwick Goldsmith (left) and planner/surveyor Neil McDonald, who led the five-year process to rezone Shotover Country's 202 hectares from rural to residential.

The first house was built in 2013.

“We had to go through a long process because we had to fight the council,” Sharyn says.

The project steering group met 332 times between August 4, 2012 and October 22, 2019.

Sharyn says they owe the group a debt of gratitude for fulfilling their purpose of providing much-needed housing for local youth, and especially families.