Only those with a high IQ can crack this tricky brainteaser | Weird | News

help stimulate the brain and encourage creative and analytical thinking while providing entertainment. Some brainteasers may seem simple at first glance, but require careful consideration and unconventional thinking to solve.

Others can be complex and require a systematic approach.

One so baffling Through an ideal challenges people to discover the strange petal among the sea of ​​flowers.

It is believed that only people with a high IQ can figure out the petal.

So, do you want to give it a try?

If you're still looking for the petal, here's the hint: Look over the bottom half of the image.

Solving brainteasers can be a rewarding experience, providing a sense of satisfaction and satisfaction when the solution is found.

They can also serve as mental training and help keep the mind sharp and agile. Plus, they can be a fun and engaging way to spend time alone or with others.

For those who are still struggling, we have shared the answer below.