School sex education classes are being given movie-style age ratings to address parents’ concerns about “inappropriate content” being shown to children.
New guidelines could be in place by the end of the year, according to a relationship, sex, health and education (RSHE) education review commissioned by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
At the same time Gillian Keeganthe education secretary, has written to schools today telling them to share the content of sex education classes with parents amid claims that some were blindsided by the content.
The government announced more details about the RSHE evaluation, saying it is committed to ensuring that such education ‘prepares children to make informed decisions about their health, well-being and relationships, in a sensitive way that reflects their stage of development’.
It will be informed by the work of an independent panel that will “advise on how clear precautions can be taken to prevent pupils from learning contentious and potentially harmful concepts, including introducing age ratings that indicate what is appropriate to be taught at what age.” taught , to avoid teaching children concepts they are too young to understand.”
Ms Keegan said: ‘This urgent review will get to the heart of how RSHE is currently taught and should be taught in the future.
“This leaves no room for disruptive content, restores parental confidence and ensures that children are even better protected.”

Gillian Keegan, the education secretary, wrote to schools today saying there is ‘no room for disturbing content’.

New guidelines for schools on relationships and sex education, which could go into effect by the end of the year, could include age ratings to prevent kids from learning things they’re deemed too young to understand.
Her comments were criticized by a school principal’s union. Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said it was ‘deeply disappointing to see Education Secretary Gillian Keegan’s implicit criticism of schools when she says the review will restore parents’ confidence’.
The Department of Education (DfE) said on Friday it would lead the assessment but will be informed by an independent panel that will provide “external expertise”.
The guidance is expected to be released in the coming months, possibly before the start of the next academic year, and will then be subject to public consultation.
Consultations are expected to be completed by the end of the year, and the guidelines will take legal effect as soon as possible thereafter, the department said.
The RSHE guideline is separate from the guidelines for schools on transgender issues, which the prime minister confirmed on Thursday will be published “before the summer term”.
The review is expected to consider how to ensure that all RSHE teaching is factual and does not present as fact any contested views on sensitive topics.
It will work with those who work with children in the education and health sectors and will work closely with school watchdog Ofsted to understand what materials are currently being used in the classroom and identify any improvements that may need to be made, the DfE said.
The independent panel is expected to advise on ‘clear safeguards to prevent students from being taught contentious and potentially harmful concepts’, including the introduction of age ratings indicating what is appropriate to be taught at what age.
The DfE said independent provider Oak National Academy will develop curriculum materials “to ensure that every school has access to high-quality, compliant resources that build on what is already available to schools.”
Ms Keegan has written to schools reminding them that they are required by law to publish a relationship or relationship and sex education policy and to consult with parents about it, the DfE added.
The letter makes it clear that parents should be able to see all curriculum materials and that they can request to see material if it has not already been shared, especially regarding sensitive topics, the department said.
Conservative MP Miriam Cates has claimed that some pupils have been subjected to relationships and sex education classes that are ‘age-inappropriate, extreme, sexualising and imprecise’.

Conservative MP Miriam Cates has claimed that some pupils have been subjected to relationships and sex education classes that are ‘age-inappropriate, extreme, sexualising and imprecise’.
Ms Cates previously told the House of Commons: ‘Graphic lessons on oral sex, how to strangle your partner safely and 72 genders. This is what passes for relationships and sex education in UK schools.
“Across the country, children are being subjected to classes that are inappropriate for their age, extreme, sexualizing and imprecise, often using resources from unregulated organizations that actively campaign to undermine parents.
“This is not a victory for equality, it is a catastrophe for childhood.”
Mr Barton said the ‘vast majority’ of schools teach RSHE ‘gently, sensitively and in an age-appropriate manner’ and stressed that allegations of inappropriate teaching are ‘exaggerated, sweeping and flimsy evidence at best’.
He added: ‘The government has provided very little training support for the teaching of this subject and we sincerely hope that the review due to take place will make recommendations for providing more and better training.
‘This is such a sensitive and difficult subject to navigate that it really needs specialist teachers, but the government expects it to be taught by existing classroom teachers who also teach other subjects. As always, it expects large-scale policy to be delivered cheaply, and then quickly criticizes schools.’