When is it, what can I expect and how can I challenge my numbers?

Results day A-level is one of the most nerve-racking experiences in a student’s life – it’s the moment when you find out if you’ve secured a place at your chosen university.

While you can see what college places you’ve secured online, you’ll need to go to your school or college to find out your exact A-level results.

If things don’t go according to plan, you’ll be surrounded by teachers who can help you decide your next step.

In the run-up to the A-level results day, we have answered your most important questions.

When is the A-level results day?

This year, A-level results day falls on Thursday, August 18.

What time can students collect their results?

UCAS will start updating student data from 8.15am.

What should you bring on the results day?

Make sure you have the following ready: Results day A-level:

  • Your UCAS keep login details;
  • Your mobile phone (with camera for selfies);
  • Contact details for your university choices;
  • The website addresses of both Tidy and Amendment UCAS pages;
  • If you are not available on the day of the results, you will provide access to a nominee so they can speak to UCAS on your behalf. Check UCAS for details;
  • Clear details of conditional offers and phone numbers for: universities of interest;
  • If you suspect you need to go through Clearing, an unforeseen list of courses you’ve researched beforehand (Clearing technically opens on July 5, so you can see already available courses).

What happens on the A-level results day?

When Track goes live you can see your university confirmation, but not your grades. You should pick this up at your school or college.

The UCAS social media team will be online to answer any questions. They close at 6pm.

You got your grades

Once you’ve passed your grades, Track will be updated to tell you whether you’ve made it to your choice of company or insurance. Check any emails from the universities to see if there is anything extra you need to do (it should be stated in the terms of the offer). When your finances are in order, you can relax and party.

You barely missed your grades

If you just missed your grades, don’t panic. If only by a small margin, your university may still accept you for your course – just make sure you talk to them first. You can also object, but you must do so as soon as possible.

Alternatively, your chosen university may offer you a slightly different course, which you must accept through Track. If not, go to Clearing, where you can apply for other courses, either at the same university or at a different one.

You completely missed your grades

If you have completely missed your grades, you should call courses in Clearing that are on your contingency list or that catch your eye.

You scored higher than your predicted grades

Congratulations – if you numbers are much better than you predictedyou may want to change your university options.

Unfortunately, customization will no longer be possible as of 2022 – but you can still decline your seat and release yourself in Clearing to choose alternative settings.

Can I postpone my seat?

If you’ve changed your mind about going to college or want to take a gap year between A-levels and further education, you should call your university’s admissions team to find out if this is something they can offer.

What is ClearingPlus?

Clearing Plus was launched in 2020 and offers assistance to anyone who is unplaced or applying for the first time through Clearing.

If you’re in Clearing, look for a button in Track marked “View Matches” to see courses that UCAS thinks would be right for you, taking into account your original choices and your qualifications and grades.

If you see a course you like, you can click “Interested” so the university or college can contact you – you can do this for up to five choices at once.

But remember that courses in Clearing fill up quickly and you won’t always get a call, so also search for courses in Clearing using the search function. Saying you are interested in a course through Clearing Plus does not guarantee an offer.

How Long Do You Have To Make A Decision About Clearing?

Rush your decision – Clearing doesn’t open until 2pm, giving everyone time to talk to universities and find a place. Only add a Clearing choice if you have permission from the university or college.

While you can only add one choice at a time, if it hasn’t been confirmed (you’ll see in Follow and get an email), you can then add another choice and repeat the process if necessary – or decide to do another one next year. submit application or any other options.

When is BTEC Results Day 2022?

BTEC National results are usually released to students on or just before A-level results day. The exact dates depend on your school or college.

Some individual series of marks are already announced to BTEC students, from exams already taken. It is the responsibility of the school or college to let students know how and when to collect the remaining results.

This article is kept up to date with the latest information.