Who plays Diane Jenkins on The Young And The Restless? How old is Diane Jenkins on The Young and the Restless? – News

Who plays Diane Jenkins in The Young and The Restless? How old is Diane Jenkins in The Young and the Restless? – News, #Plays #Diane #Jenkins #Young #Restless #Diane #Jenkins #Young #Restless #News Welcome to OLASMEDIA TV NEWSThis is what we have for you today:

Who plays Diane Jenkins on Young and the Restless?

Diane Jenkins is a character on the American soap opera Young and the Restless. Different people have played different characters before. So people might get confused as to who plays Diane Jenkins’ character in Young and the Restless. So here you go! Well, the role of Diane Jenkins was played by Alex Donnelley in 1982. Producers were delighted with her acting and made her a permanent character.

Then, in the year 2001, the role of Diane Jenkins was replaced by Susan Walters. In August 2010, Maura West signed on to play the role of Diane Jenkins.

How old is Diane Jenkins in Young and the Restless?

Diane Jenkins on Young and the Restless is the most beloved character of the people. As mentioned above, several people have played the character of Diane Jenkins. There are searches on How old is Diane Jenkins on Young and the Restless, but there is no information on Diane Jenkins’ age on Young and the Restless. Stay connected to get more latest updates.

The young and the restless

The Young and the Restless is a famous American television soap opera. The soap was created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS. Several cast changes have been made so far and some characters are said to be leaving the show.

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