DIANZ warns against fake DMT containing synthetic cannabinoids

A synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-4en-PINACA has been detected in a yellow powder believed to be N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

Drug information and warnings Aotearoa New Zealand (DIANZ) has posted on the High Alert website that this powder was linked to a hospital admission in the Auckland region.

MDMB-4en-PINACA is a potent synthetic cannabinoid that can lead to overdoses, even at low concentrations, and has been associated with serious harm (including deaths) in New Zealand. DMT is a psychedelic drug that produces effects similar to LSD.

DIANZ first posted a warning about the yellow powder on May 3.

A separate case of the synthetic cannabinoid was subsequently found in a sample of yellow powder, suspected to be DMT, submitted to a New Zealand Needle Exchange Program (DISC) drug screening clinic in Christchurch. There was no DMT in either sample.

It was not known how widely the fake DMT had been distributed, but the organization warned it was now present in Auckland and Christchurch.

“High Alert strongly advises people to exercise caution when consuming yellow powders, and monitoring medications is recommended to help minimize the risk.

Drug control services can identify when a substance is not what it is sold for.

“If you or someone you know is using a substance thought to be DMT and experiencing unexpected effects, call 911 immediately. Be honest about your drug use – it won't get you in trouble and it could save your life. “