Dead Space Remake Trailer Shows A Revamped USG Ishimura

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EA Motifs released the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming remake of Dead Space, coincidentally during the start of the haunted season. It gives players a first look at the new, more visually appealing setting and new, more terrifying enemies of protagonist Isaac Clarke.

The developers have previously shown parts of the game and described what is different about the remake. However, this is the first comprehensive look at the new version of Dead Space in action. While the updated visuals are the most noticeable, the gameplay also seems more polished – or at least focused on making the most messy spectacle of monster-killing possible.

The trailer also features Isaac speaking, something he famously doesn’t do in the original title. The developers have maintained that Isaac will only speak when it makes sense to do so, and it will continue to be true to the first Dead Space. As they revealed in a recent press releasethey have a “Community Council” of fans of the original that acts as advisors.

The developers have released multiple videos detailing the process behind the creation of Dead Space. They also confirmed several stylistic changes from the original game, including that it will take place in one continuous shot in the style of God of War. It will launch on January 27, 2023 (just two days after my birthday, so I consider it a gift from EA).

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