I Lost 25 Pounds Just By WALK – I Was Still Eating Bagels And Pasta

A VLOGGER shared the time-consuming process of how she lost 25 pounds simply by walking.

The woman took an unconventional route to the weight, but was still able to enjoy her favorite foods, such as bagels, pizza and more.

YouTube vlogger Morgan Green shares her weight loss journey in an emotional and vulnerable video


YouTube vlogger Morgan Green shares her weight loss journey in an emotional and vulnerable videoCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green
Green eats healthy but also eats bagels, pasta and whatever she wants


Green eats healthy but also eats bagels, pasta and whatever she wantsCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green

youtube vlogger Morgan Greene took to the platform to express her frustration with the way she looked and documented her up and down journey to lose 25 pounds.

The viral video has since racked up over a million views, showcasing Greene’s new exercise discovery that has helped her lose weight, promote fat loss and boost her metabolism.

For most of her life she was athletic, fit and lived a healthy lifestyle, but had a “slight fear of carbohydrates” and an unhealthy relationship with food.

The video summarizes Greene’s thoughts and feelings during her wellness journey, at different times along the way.

In the video, she remains incredibly transparent about her reasoning as to why she wants to talk about the healthy and unhealthy habits she participated in, and what roses and thorns want to share.

She first began describing her weight loss experience in August 2021, but ended up dealing with mental health issues that delayed her goals.

Greene says at the beginning of the video that she was in great shape and at a weight she liked before the COVID-19 pandemic started, but once the lockdown kicked in, she gained weight and wants to change something.

Greene has promised herself not to follow strict strict rules, as this is not sustainable for her lifestyle and well-being.

Ultimately, that goal was not met, as she says shortly after, she fell into unhealthy habits such as food restriction and undereating, which she didn’t recognize until about a month later.

The content creator then jumps back and shows images of her body in August 2021 and her thoughts and experiences from that time.

“One of my most insecure things, frankly, is my arms,” ​​she admits. “I hate all that arm fat. It sticks out like no other in photos. I’m also very insecure about my back rolls and my legs… they’re all cellulite.”

Greene makes it a point to mention in the 2021 footage that it was difficult to start her training on her first day.

“Once you start it’s easier to keep going, but it’s just the beginning that’s hard,” she says.

She shows viewers a montage of how she led a healthy lifestyle filled with apple cider vinegar pills, consistent water, avocado toast, rice cakes, and a regular diet and fitness regimen.

At one point, the 2021 vlog shows how Greene was visibly upset about how she drank a Dunkin Donuts sugar drink and didn’t have the healthiest start to her day.

The video then jumps forward to the present where Greene offers some reflection.

Greene starts the vulnerable video by sharing her accident with her body at the start of the weight loss project in August 2021


Greene starts the vulnerable video by sharing her accident with her body at the start of the weight loss project in August 2021Credit: YouTube/Morgan Green

“Ha, I was trying to be reasonable and positive here, but after this I started walking more than six and a half miles trying to burn off everything I ate,” she says. “And that’s not why I should exercise, to try to undo what I just consumed. That’s very unhealthy.”

Greene then jumps back to the 2021 montage, showing more of her food choices and daily routine, expressing her feelings about the state of her body at the time and her positive outlook on her workout schedule.

“In the beginning my training sessions were not very hard, if you don’t know much about sports. Sometimes that is necessary and you learn by learning what works for you,” the current Greene throws in.

The vlogger adds that she’s always good at stocking up on fruits and veggies at home, but if she always has healthy food around, she’ll want to eat out or buy something much worse than if she gave herself a light, sweet snack or treat.

She also regularly ate low-calorie salads covered in cottage cheese which kept her hungry and dissatisfied, sometimes causing her to binge eat at the end of the day, thus not necessarily losing weight.

So how did she transform her mindset and lose 25 pounds?

Greene stumbled upon influencer Lauren Giraldo’s 12-3-30 workout that changed her life.

It’s a simple treadmill workout that’s highly effective for fat loss, but also a great alternative to running for anyone looking to build their cardiovascular fitness.

Green lost 25 pounds doing 12-3-30 treadmill workouts and weightlifting


Green lost 25 pounds doing 12-3-30 treadmill workouts and weightliftingCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green

She followed many of the influencer’s food recipes, including a blueberry dessert that she tried to convince herself tasted good without sugar.

She shows video footage of herself revealing her uncomfortable feelings about eating sugar, consuming too many calories and the size of her meals.

Although she was concerned with unhealthy eating habits, her fitness routine was quite effective, mood-boosting, and generally healthy.

She completed about two workouts a day and felt incredibly motivated and excited.

This led her to find a healthy way to make bagels by combining Greek yogurt and self-raising flour to make a “cream cheese.”

“I loved making these bagels and I still do. It’s a healthy alternative to bagels and it wasn’t a limitation,” she says.

Sometimes healthy swaps can really be what puts the body into gear and starts to see the results you want.

Greene also talks about the importance of sleep for overall health.

“In terms of weight loss and hunger hormones, you need to give yourself time to sleep,” says her current self.

Over time, something happened where she really enjoyed her 12-3-30 workouts because of the mental and physical boost it gave her to start the day.

This was a major turning point in her life.

“I craved my workout because it just made me feel good,” she adds.

The video then jumps back to show Greene explaining how her workout went smoother that day because she started her day with a healthy breakfast and didn’t limit herself.

The vlogger struggled with food restrictions for many years of her life and is now embracing food freedom and an active lifestyle


The vlogger struggled with food restrictions for many years of her life and is now embracing food freedom and an active lifestyleCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green

“Crazy how after a day without restriction you can get a good workout and not feel exhausted and completely exhausted… not being able to walk for half an hour,” says the modern version of the vlogger.

The 12-3-30 became ingrained as part of her everyday life, prompting her to have a little more food freedom, not limiting herself and just enjoying being healthy and active.

She did some strength training and did the 12-3-30 treadmill workout with one rest day six days a week, then increased the difficulty over time.

Around day twelve of her trip, her happy mood falters a bit as her 2021 self tells viewers about how bloated and big she feels, but later realized this was mostly on constrained days.

“This is super important because you have to realize that this is not going to happen quickly. This takes time. This takes learning. This takes dedication,” the contemporary version of the vlogger tells her audience.

She says she was upset because she wasn’t seeing results as quickly as she wanted, but she knew she had to keep trying things to find out what worked and what didn’t.”

The video then takes a personal turn as it shifts to a September 2021 vlog from Greene.

“I had a great realization. I was working out one day and I was watching a YouTube video. It changed my mindset, my perspective, everything.” she says.

She begins to discuss why she decided to temporarily stop vlogging on her mental health journey because of her previous undereating.

“What I didn’t realize was that with the undereating that I was doing, the less I ate, the more my metabolism started to adjust to eat less,” she says. “So I’ll never be able to eat a regular-sized meal if I continue to undereat like I always have.”

The YouTube consists of Green talking about her weight loss and lifestyle during different periods of the six-month journey


The YouTube consists of Green talking about her weight loss and lifestyle during different periods of the six-month journeyCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green

She has now shifted her fitness mindset to no longer be about eating little and losing weight fast to eating enough and eating right while being incredibly active.

As she reflects on her past binges, limitations, and habits that she wasn’t proud of, she analyzes how her life just feels and looks different now that she’s identified the key factors behind her close call with an eating disorder.

She also says that when she went on vacation, she allowed herself to enjoy foods, such as pasta, ice cream and burgers, and didn’t limit herself.

On her return, she took some time off to adjust to her schedule and then jumped back into her workouts a few days later as if she hadn’t taken any time off.

The quick recovery was due to her consistent lifestyle before her trip.

The rest of the video remains especially uplifting as she embraces her new eating relationship, shares some tips and prioritizes her mental and physical health, including 3/12/30 and lifting weights.

“And one of the biggest things was the mental shift in knowing that I can’t rush this. I can’t take shortcuts. I have to eat enough and I have to allow myself to indulge every now and then, but I can’t make this isn’t my life, and I just have to keep working and doing my best…” Greene says towards the end of the video.

At the end of the video, Greene says she is now no longer beating herself up for missing a workout or not eating so cleanly because her mental health is better


At the end of the video, Greene says she is now no longer beating herself up for missing a workout or not eating so cleanly because her mental health is betterCredit: YouTube/Morgan Green