‘Tap to pay on iPhone’ feature officially available for Square sellers

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Businesses using Square as a payment processor can now use Tap to Pay on iPhone using the company’s point-of-sale app.

In June 2022, Square announced it would support the feature and had launched an early access program for businesses.

Any Square seller with a compatible iPhone can accept contactless payments by opening the Square app, going into the sale, and holding their iPhone against the buyer.

The buyer then completes the payment by choosing a contactless payment method such as Apple Pay, a contactless debit or credit card, or a digital wallet from the App Store.

“Our young customer base prefers to use their digital wallets or contactless cards, and the rollout of Tap to Pay on iPhone has helped us meet our customers’ preferences with a convenient solution that also adds a touch of sophistication to the buying experience,” says Franco. Salerno, owner of Warrington, Pennsylvania-based Darianna Bridal & Tuxedo and participant in the Early Access Program.

Apple announced Tap to Pay on iPhone in February 2022. It requires no additional hardware besides an iPhone and an iOS app that supports the feature, which is limited to US sellers.

The payment function requires a iPhone XS or later. It’s not clear what the iOS minimum software requirement is for Tap to Pay, other than it will be iOS 12 from the iPhone XS. There will also be minimum iOS requirements for the various apps that work with the feature.

Other payment processors that have partnered with Apple for the feature include Stripe, GoDaddy, and Chase. It will also be rolled out to Apple stores in the US by the end of 2022.