How will the royal family react to Harry and Meghan’s latest telling TV show ‘attack’?

If we are to believe the trailer, it is the Prince of Wales who will have the most reason to react. Both his wife and late mother feature prominently in promotional materials, the comparison to Princess Diana illustrating Meghan’s treatment in dramatic scenes of the paparazzi chases of the 1980s and 1990s.

He’s already signaled a shift in his own royal mindset, saying after the now-infamous Caribbean tour that the “never complain, never explain” mantra isn’t fit for modern life.

He’s made more personal statements, notably heavily criticizing the Panorama documentary’s findings and responding to a shouted post-Oprah question about the Sussexes claims with a firm “we’re not a racist family.”

But, warns a royal source, “this is wider than one person”.

In particular, said another, “this is the king’s first major challenge in his role as leader of the institution.

“His response will be very revealing about how his regime will work. Will it be modern and reactive, or will it remain ‘never complain, never explain’?

“The Sussexes will read a lot into that response, I think, and it will have implications for their future behaviour.”

If the Queen’s reign can be characterized by the endlessly quoted phrase “never complain, never explain”, the era of King Charles has yet to be determined.

The chances of the king approving a legal complaint or issuing a public statement against his own son and daughter-in-law are negligible.